Naturally smart people operations
For growing companies

Hello from the Arctic.

Everyday life up here is straightforward, simple, and good. The air is fresh and focus is crystal clear. In the wild, there’s no room for nonsense. Only the relevant stuff matters.

Let’s bring the same clarity into your worklife.

What we do

We offer naturally smart people operations for growing companies.

Our solutions are designed for those who want their core business to thrive and grow.

Naturally smart people operations

When you know what you’re doing, human beings are not rocket science. People operations is all about specialized tools and clear vision that helps you lead the way. That’s what we can offer you.



We’re on a mission to make everyday worklife better. We get there by focusing on better thinking, better solutions, and better action.

Better worklife, less bullshit.

Where there’s growth, there will be growing pains. That’s absolutely natural. Be smart and don’t try to survive the unknown alone. Consider outsourcing your people operations as a potentially winning choice. Usually, it is.

The brutal truth is, modern worklife is full of unnecessary bullshit. A lot of organizations waste a huge amount of time and nerves on pointless hogwash. The good news is, developing smarter HR processes can change the whole game.

It’s the 2020’s. The jargon-heavy HR talk and exhausting structures belong to the past. The future of HR lies in people operations. We stand for human leadership work that genuinely utilizes the potential of the employees. To lead a successful team, every individual and their unique skillsets need to be considered – holistically and individually.

We can offer all you need and nothing you don’t. Sometimes a successful recruitment or headhunting project is enough to take you to the next level. If you’re growing rapidly, your human resource responsibilities are growing rapidly as well. That’s where our people operation services can come into picture.

It’s the 2020s. The jargon-heavy HR talk belongs to the past.



What we can offer you

Our support is available on all levels, from the big picture to everyday details. We’re ready to coach your management and help you build your company culture. We’re also equally ready to create staff handbooks, implement new software and make sure your staff-related paperwork is on point. We can help you with the entire employee lifecycle – from strategy to recruitment, onboarding, learning and also the possible exit to new challenges.

People operations
as a service

Growth doesn’t come alone. Let us help you streamline, simplify, and develop your HR processes – and share your workload. While our experienced team of experts takes care of your everyday HR challenges, you focus on your own excellence.

& Headhunting

Let’s be honest. Recruitment as a side project, on top of your own workload, will consume you. If you’re not a seasoned HR professional, you will spend countless ineffective hours to even connect with the right talent. Take the easier path. We’re here for you and your future people.

As an in-house recruiter or headhunter, we will help you build a pipeline of outstanding talent. We can proactively manage one or all your hiring processes from actively sourcing the candidates, to screening, interviewing, and hiring. Our special expertise lies in headhunting for the IT, gaming, and high-tech production industries.


Here we share our latest news and industry insights about naturally smart people operations.


“ARCTIC HR has helped us recruit software development talents and set up our HR processes. Before ARCTIC HR, we were having trouble finding the right kind of matches that would meet our criteria. Also, we didn’t want to use too much of our own time and efforts in HR matters. Arctic HR team impressed us: with them, we’ve made successful recruitments and brought our HR processes on the right track. We can warmly recommend ARCTIC HR to any organization that wishes to outsource their HR services. Co-operation with ARCTIC HR is simple, smooth and always highly professional.”

Hannu Kröger
CEO of Upsert Oy


“Aloitimme yhteistyön Arctic HR:n kanssa, kun kaksi HR-toimista vastaavaa työntekijäämme jäi vanhempainvapaalle. Vuoden aikana Arctic HR on vastannut Kyrön HR-toimien perusarjesta ja osallistunut johtoryhmätyöskentelyyn. Yhteistyö on ollut onnistunutta. Olemme saaneet Arcticilta kustannusjoustavan ja juuri meille sopivan ratkaisun – ja oppineet samalla paljon. Arctic HR:n työpanos on ollut meille merkittävä, sekä arjen sujuvuuden että strategisen kehittymisen kannalta.”

Jouni Ritola
CEO of Kyrö Distillery Company

“Personally, Arctic HR has provided more peace of mind and headspace to concentrate on my own work. To our financial management Arctic HR has brought expertise and operative wisdom. Their impact on the company culture has been systematic and human-centric. Arctic HR is a group of skilled professionals who carry out their tasks in a dynamic manner. Their commitment to their own statement ‘better worklife, less bullshit’ is evident in everything they do.”

Henry Lindgren
CEO of Lightneer



We’re not here to impress you with HR terminology. We’re here for the people. Our mission is to guide your organization towards better worklife – and to help you reach your goals.

Elina Iso-Markku
CEO & Founder
+358 40 543 5228

Teemu Halminen
& CO-Founder

Hanna Puura
HRIS / People Operations

Emma Slavov
People Operations

We don’t talk fancy HR jargon. We talk people.


Drop us a line – we’re all ears.


Give us a call – 040 543 5228 or book an appointment.